After School Enrichment

Our After School Enrichment Programs are offered to our students’ ages 3-5 weekdays from 3:00 to 3:45 pm. There are two sessions each school year, they run for twelve weeks each beginning in October.

  • Judo with Coach Toni
  • Magical Math
  • Cooking Around the World
Please contact us for more information.

In addition to our full and rich classroom programs we offer many weekly and monthly specials including:

  • Language Lab – Spanish: introduces colors, numbers, holidays, etc.
  • Sports: a certified coach helps children learn teamwork, the skills necessary to play an assortment of sports activities and team spirit all while developing their gross motor skills
  • Music: children learn about famous composers, the orchestra, a variety of instruments, melody, harmony, rhythm and pitch
  • Creative Movement: includes yoga, gymnastics, Zumba and physical education encourages freedom of expression and creativity.
  • Library: where the director reads to the children in the warmth of our school library
  • Science and Nature Classes: teaches about the world around us
  • “Meet the Masters”: an art appreciation program that introduces famous artists and their styles
  • Character Education and Manners: provide the children with personality characteristics and values that will last a lifetime
  • Computer Technology: utilizes computers combined with a “Smart TV” making the lessons come to life
  • Nutrition: teaches the children how to make healthy food choices through cooking and of course, tasting